Saturday 2 May 2020

Conversations in the Dark-2

A typical conversation in India would never be complete without sharing notes on food. So typical-proud-Indians that we are, from three different parts of the country, leading different lives, a large part of our conversation also has an element of food and feast to it. Often, we chat away recalling the Wednesday Biryani menu and Friday Egg-Curry in Godavari Mess. And not to mention the chai-paratha from the adjoining Godavari Dhaba. Or the Rasam Tina made and Bindu's inimitable Kheer cooked in our hostel rooms. We even remember the whacky menus like Bhindi-Chhole we had to cope with on days. And still we were never under-nourished. Not to mention the nourishment our memories and conversations provide.

Me and Bindu- Tina, what did you prepare for dinner today?

Tina- How do I explain to you guys.. Let's say eggplant and drumstick gravy.

Me and Bindu- Phew! Who eats that? What a terrible combination. We can only have eggplant fry and bharta. 

Bindu (adds)- I only have drumstick when I am sick.

Tina- What did you guys have?

Me (grumbled incoherently)

Bindu (visibly drooling)- Chicken fry

Me and Tina- Wow! Where do you get chicken in these times? How lucky..

Bindu (at her wisest)- Had it to get it for feeding the dogs. My mother just sneaked a portion of the same and served specially for me

Me and Tina- Laughing

Bindu- I mean not the same thing that was served to dogs.. a bit of it was kept and cooked specially for me by mom..

All of us- That's what life in Corona has come to be- surviving on dog food if need be. Or any food that tastes like dog food!

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